특 징 | Feature: - It's compact design, quiet and powerful brushless motor make it ideally suited for heavy duty cooling in environments where space is at a premium
- High density ceramic bearing and graphite impeller bearing sleeve designed for high efficiency and long life
- Highly efficient and dynamically balanced impeller with carbon bearing sleeve for smooth ultra quiet operation
- Such reliability is afforded by the unique design of this pump,which contains only one moving part: the magnetically driven rotor/impeller spins on a single ceramic bearing, thus extending the life of this pump beyond existing standards
- High efficient ECM brushless DC motor, ideal long life time 50000 hours
- Advanced magnetic drive technology for static-seal, without any leakage for ever
- The pump is completely plug-and-play, and connects directly to any computer power-supply through standard power connectors
| Application:- As the computer industry continues to accelerate its pace towards implementing liquid cooling solutions, pumps have become a pivotal concern for the adoption of such systems in mission critical machines.
- Small size, low or no maintenance, similar to that afforded by fans, and extended reliability are prerequisites for the successful transition from air to liquid cooling systems.
- The TOPSFLO TDC is the qualified pump to be used in mass produced water-cooled workstations, and presents an ideal solution for liquid cooling of processors and electronic components..
| Areas of Use:- Electronics Cooling
- Laser Cooling
- Medical Water Circulation
- Chiller Systems Liquid Transfer
- General Purpose Pumping
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#온수순환펌프, #고온펌프, #원심펌프 보일러 온수순환펌프는 TOPFLO에 있습니다. |