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[ASI] HyperShear™ 유체혼합기

최고의 고압피스톤 정량펌프, 동방하이테크상사

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HyperShear™ 유체혼합기
[HyperShear™ HPLC Mixer]
Static or Dynamic Mixers
highly efficient vortex sheer mixing
Ideal for microbore HPLC and LC/MS
Available in SS or PEEK




· Analytical Scientfic Instruments(ASI)는 다양한 종류의 액체크로마토그래피(HPLC)용 기기와 부속품을 제조하고 있습니다. ASI 제품에는 크로마토그래피 사용자가 직면하고 있는 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 고유의 독특한 기술들이 집약되어 있습니다. ASI 사의 자흡식 체크밸브(check valves), 유체혼합기(HyperShear™ mixers), 유체분배기(QuickSplit™ splitter) 들은 사용자에게 커다란 만족을 드릴 것입니다. 또한 이러한 제품은 HPLC 시스템 제조와 같이 전문적인 기술을 요하는 OEM 분야에서 필요로하는 규격을 만족시킬 수 있습니다.

· ASI HyperShear™ HPLC Mixers (정밀유체혼합기)는 광범위한 유량범위에서 가장 효과적인 와류(渦流, vortex) 전단(剪斷, sheer) 혼합을 일으키는 유체가 가로질러가는 전단(shearing) 메타니즘을 접목하였습니다. 이러한 믹싱기술은 기존의 교반(stir bar)나 꼬불꼬불한 유로(tortuous path)를 이용하는 방법에 비해 혼합효율이 25-200% 정도 우수합니다.

· ASI HyperShear™ HPLC Mixers (정밀유체혼합기)는 HPLC기울기용리시 용매혼합에 가장 적합한 방법이며 다양한 제품을 공급하고 있습니다. ASI HPLC 믹서는 0.5?L 에서to 1.5mL의 용량을 가진 고정된형태(static mixer)와 역학적인형태(dynamic mixer) 두가지가 있습니다. 대부분의 혼합기는 생체에 적합한(biocompatible) PEEK 재질로도 공급 가능합니다.

Static Mixer Dynamic Mixer



Comparison of Baseline Noise
Flow Rate: 0.1 mL/min.
Temp: 40°C
Sample Size: 1?L
Sample: Solvent front
Detection Wavelength: 254nm



  • Static or Dynamic Mixers with highly efficient vortex sheer mixing
  • Reduce baseline noise, increase sensitivity, and improve gradient accuracy
  • Mixing volume optimization is easy with interchangeable mixer cartridges
  • High pressure mixers tested to 15,000 psi.
  • Available in stainless steel or biocompatible PEEK
  • Ideal for microbore HPLC and LC/MS
  • Compact design is easily integrated into any HPLC system
  • In-line, binary, and ternary formats


Micro flow Low flow Analytical flow High flow

HyperShear™ Micro Flow Series Static Mixer Part Number
Mixer Cartridge SS 0.5 ?L 400-000.5
Mixer Cartridge SS 0.5 ?L , High Pressure 400-000.5HP
Mixer Cartridge PEEK 0.5 ?L 400-000.5B
Mixer Cartridge SS 1 ?L 400-0001
Mixer Cartridge SS 1 ?L, High Pressure 400-0001HP
Mixer Cartridge PEEK 1 ?L 400-0001B
Mixer Cartridge SS 2 ?L 400-0002
Mixer Cartridge SS 2 ?L, High Pressure 400-0002HP
Mixer Cartridge PEEK 2 ?L 400-0002B
Mixer Cartridge SS 5 ?L 400-0005
Mixer Cartridge SS 5 ?L, High Pressure 400-0005HP
Mixer Cartridge PEEK 5 ?L 400-0005B
Mixer Cartridge SS 10 ?L 400-0010
Mixer Cartridge SS 10 ?L, High Pressure 400-0010HP
Mixer Cartridge PEEK 10 ?L 400-0010B
Mixer Cartridge SS 25 ?L 400-0025
Mixer Cartridge SS 25 ?L, High Pressure 400-0025HP
Mixer Cartridge PEEK 25 ?L 400-0025B
In-Line Micro Flow Series SS Housing 401-0000
In-Line Micro Flow Series SS Housing, High Pressure 401-0000HP
In-Line Micro Flow Series PEEK Housing 401-0000B
Binary Tee Micro Flow Series SS Housing 402-0000
Binary Tee Micro Flow Series SS Housing, High Pressure 402-0000HP
Binary Tee Micro Flow Series PEEK Housing 402-0000B
Ternary Tee Micro Flow Series SS Housing 403-0000
Ternary Tee Micro Flow Series SS Housing, High Pressure 403-0000HP
Ternary Tee Micro Flow Series PEEK Housing 403-0000B
HyperShear™ Low Flow Series Static Mixer Part Number
Mixer Cartridge SS 50 ?L 410-0050
Mixer Cartridge SS 50 ?L, High Pressure 410-0050HP
Mixer Cartridge PEEK 50 ?L 410-0050B
Mixer Cartridge SS 150 ?L 410-0150
Mixer Cartridge SS 150 ?L, High Pressure 410-0150HP
Mixer Cartridge PEEK 150 ?L 410-0150B
Mixer Cartridge SS 250 ?L 410-0250
Mixer Cartridge SS 250 ?L, High Pressure 410-0250HP
Mixer Cartridge PEEK 250 ?L 410-0250B
In-Line Low Flow Series SS Housing 411-0000
In-Line Low Flow Series SS Housing, High Pressure 411-0000HP
In-Line Low Flow Series PEEK Housing 411-0000B
Binary Tee Low Flow Series SS Housing 412-0000
Binary Tee Low Flow Series SS Housing, High Pressure 412-0000HP
Binary Tee Low Flow Series PEEK Housing 412-0000B
Ternary Tee Low Flow Series SS Housing 413-0000
Ternary Tee Low Flow Series SS Housing, High Pressure 413-0000HP
Ternary Tee Low Flow Series PEEK Housing 413-0000B
HyperShear™ Anlaytical Flow Series Static Mixer Part Number
Mixer Cartridge SS 350 ?L 420-0350
Mixer Cartridge SS 350 ?L, High Pressure 420-0350HP
Mixer Cartridge PEEK 350 ?L 420-0350B
Mixer Cartridge SS 500 ?L 420-0500
Mixer Cartridge SS 500 ?L, High Pressure 420-0500HP
Mixer Cartridge PEEK 500 ?L 420-0500B
In-Line Analytical Flow Series SS Housing 421-0000
In-Line Analytical Flow Series SS Housing, High Pressure 421-0000HP
In-Line Analytical Flow Series PEEK Housing 421-0000B
Binary Tee Analytical Flow Series SS Housing 422-0000
Binary Tee Analytical Flow Series SS Housing, High Pressure 422-0000HP
Binary Tee Mixer Assembly SS 350 ?L 422-0350
Ternary Tee Analytical Flow Series SS Housing 423-0000
Ternary Tee Analytical Flow Series SS Housing, High Pressure 423-0000HP
HyperShear™ High Flow Series Static Mixer Part Number
Mixer Cartridge SS 800 ?L 430-0800
Mixer Cartridge SS 800 ?L, High Pressure 430-0800HP
Mixer Cartridge PEEK 800 ?L 430-0800B
Mixer Cartridge SS 1.0 mL 430-1000
Mixer Cartridge SS 1.0 mL, High Pressure 430-1000HP
Mixer Cartridge PEEK 1.0 mL 430-1000B
Mixer Cartridge SS 1.5 mL 430-1500
Mixer Cartridge SS 1.5 mL, High Pressure 430-1500HP
Mixer Cartridge PEEK 1.5 mL 430-1500B
In-Line High Flow Series SS Housing 431-0000
In-Line High Flow Series SS Housing, High Pressure 431-0000HP
In-Line High Flow Series PEEK Housing 431-0000B
Binary Tee High Flow Series SS Housing 432-0000
Binary Tee High Flow Series SS Housing, High Pressure 432-0000HP
Ternary Tee High Flow Series SS Housing 433-0000
Ternary Tee High Flow Series SS Housing, High Pressure 433-0000HP
HyperShear™ Dynamic Mixer Part Number
Mixer Cartridge SS 800 ?L 430-0800
Mixer Cartridge SS 800 ?L, High Pressure 430-0800HP
Mixer Cartridge PEEK 800 ?L 430-0800B
Mixer Cartridge SS 1.0 mL 430-1000
Mixer Cartridge SS 1.0 mL, High Pressure 430-1000HP
Mixer Cartridge PEEK 1.0 mL 430-1000B
Mixer Cartridge SS 1.5 mL 430-1500
Mixer Cartridge SS 1.5 mL, High Pressure 430-1500HP

귀하의 성공적인 연구개발의 동반자가 되겠습니다.






서울특별시 성동구 광나루로6길 35, 성수우림이비즈센터 710호


서울시 성동구 광나루로6길 35, 성수이비즈센터 710호





T)02-457-6292 F)457-6293 dbht@allpump.co.kr


정량펌프, 정밀펌프, 고압펌프, 마이크로펌프, OEM 펌프, HPLC 펌프, 피스톤펌프, 주사기펌프, 실린지펌프, 다이어프램펌프, 다이아프램펌프, 튜브펌프, 튜빙펌프, 호스펌프, 연동펌프, 기어펌프, 기아펌프, 플런져펌프, 부란자펌프, 초정밀펌프, 초미세펌프, 초고압펌프, 밸브, 피팅, 튜빙, 아답터, 크로마토그래피 제품, 연구실험기자재 등