| | LSP 주입/흡입식 정밀 주사기펌프 | 
| [LSP Series Syringe Pumps] |
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개 요
|  | LSP 주사기펌프는 설치와 작동이 간편하고 높은정밀도와 신뢰성을 제공하는 실험실용 표준형 주사기펌프이다.
|  | 주입전용 또는 주입/흡입 겸용 제품으로 공급되며, 10 μL에서 140 mL 주사기를 장착할 수 있다. |  | 대형 LCD 화면에서 회전스위치와 멤브레인키패드를 이용하여 파라메터의 설정을 간편하게 할 수 있다 |
특 징
|  | Syringe Selection: The syringe can be selected in the manufacturer table which includes manufacturer, material and size or input the inner diameter of the syringe barrel directly |  | Easy to operate: Combining big screen LCD display with rotary coded switch and membrane keypad makes the operation simple and prompt. |  | Working Mode: Infusion, withdrawal, infusion/withdrawal, withdrawal/infusion, continuous |  | Memory Function: | | 1. The parameters are saved in EEPROM. The parameters don't need to be reset when power returns after an interruption | | 2. In flow rate mode, the pump remains running or stop according to the setting parameters when power returns after an interruption |  | Protection Function: The pump will stall and give an alarm when the drive structure of the pump is blocked |  | Communication Function: Realize computer control through RS485 communication interface |  | External Control Function: Input/output control |  | Calibration Function: Acquire accurate volume through calibration |  | Syringe Protection: Adjust syringe rest to prevent syringe from damaging |
주입/흡입식 주사기펌프
| + 확대한 그림보기 -> | LSP02-1B | LSP10-1B | 
| Working Mode | Infusion/Withdraw (주입/흡입) | Max. No. of Syringes | 2 | 10 | Syringe Size | 10μL - 140 mL | 10μL - 10 mL | Linear Force | > 18 Kg (40 lbs) | > 18Kg (40 lbs) | Advance per Micro-step | 1/16 Step (0.156μL) | 1/16 Step (0.156μL) | Injection Volume per Micro-step | 0.0867 μL (60 mL BD Syringe) | 0.0257μL (10 mL BD Syringe) | Max. Step Rate | 13867 (1/16 step) /sec | 13867 (1/16 step) /sec | Min. Step Rate | 16 (1/16) / 30 sec | 16 (1/16) / 30 sec | Max. Linear Rate | 130 mm/min | 130 mm/min | Min. Linear Rate | 5 μm/min | 5 μm/min | Flow Rate(60 mL Syringe) | 2.779 μL/min-72.24 mL/min | 0.823 μL/min - 21.41 mL/min | Accuracy | < +/- 0.5% error in the condition of > 30% of max. infusion distance | Setting Mode | Rotary coded switch and membrane keypad | Display | 128 x 64 graphic LCD | Power Supply | 100 - 240 VAC | Operating Condition | Temperature 5-40 'C; Relative humidity:< 80% | Dimensions | 280 x 250 x 140 mm | 280 x 330 x 140 mm | Weight | 4.3 kg | 5.3 Kg |
| Syringe | Diameter | LSP02-1B | LSP10-1B | 10ul | 0.46 | 0.85nl/min - 22.1ul/min | 0.85nl/min - 22.1ul/min | 25ul | 0.73 | 2.1nl/min - 54.6ul/min | 2.1nl/min - 54.6ul/min | 50ul | 1.03 | 4.15nl/min - 107.9ul/min | 4.15nl/min - 107.9ul/min | 100ul | 1.46 | 8.35nl/min - 217.1ul/min | 8.35nl/min - 217.1ul/min | 250ul | 2.3 | 20.75nl/min - 539.5ul/min | 20.75nl/min - 539.5ul/min | 500ul | 3.26 | 41.75nl/min - 1086ul/min | 41.75nl/min - 1086ul/min | 1ml | 4.61 | 0.083ul/min- 2.170ml/min | 0.083ul/min - 2.170ml/min | 2.5ml | 7.28 | 0.208ul/min - 5.411ml/min | 0.208ul/min - 5.411ml/min | 5ml | 10.3 | 0.417ul/min - 10.83ml/min | 0.417ul/min - 10.83ml/min | 10ml | 14.57 | 0.834ul/min - 21.67ml/min | 0.834ul/min - 21.67ml/min | 25ml | 23.03 | 2.083ul/min - 54.15ml/min | - | 50ml | 32.57 | 4.166ul/min - 108.3ml/min | - |
특수형 주사기펌프
| + 확대한 그림보기 -> | LSP01-1C Push-Pull | LSP01-1BH High-Preesure | 
| Working Mode | Push - Pull (쌍방향) | Infusion/Withdraw (주입/흡입) | Max. No. of Syringes | 2 | 1 | Syringe Size | 10μL - 10 mL | 2.5-100 mL | Linear Force | > 9 Kg (20 lbs) | > 45Kg (100 lbs) | Advance per Micro-step | 0.156μL (1/16 Step) | 0.156μL (1/16 Step) | Injection Volume per Micro-step | 0.026 μL (10 mL BD Syringe) | 0.149 μL (100 mL SS Syringe) | Max. Step Rate | 6933 (1/16 step) /sec | 13867 (1/16 step) /sec | Min. Step Rate | 16 (1/16 step) / 30 sec | 16 (1/16 step) / 30 sec | Max. Linear Rate | 65 mm/min | 130 mm/min | Min. Linear Rate | 5 μm/min | 5 μm/min | Flow Rate | 0.831 nL/min-10.84 mL/min | 0.09 μL/min - 124.36 mL/min | Accuracy | < +/- 0.5% error in the condition of > 30% of max. infusion distance | Setting Mode | Rotary coded switch and membrane keypad | Display | 128 x 64 graphic LCD | Power Supply | 100 - 240 VAC | Operating Condition | Temperature 5-40 'C; Relative humidity:< 80% | Dimensions | 280 x 220 x 140 mm | 280 x 250 x 140 mm | Weight | 3.6 kg | 6.3 Kg |
| Syringe | Diameter | LSP02-1B | 10 uL | 0.46 | 0.049 uL/hr - 10.80 ul/min | 1.0 mL | 4.61 | 5.007uL/hr - 1085 ul/min | 2.5 mL | 7.28 | 12.49uL/hr - 2076ul/min | 5.0 mL | 10.3 | 25.00uL/hr - 5415ul/min | 10 mL | 14.57 | 50.07uL/hr - 10850ul/min |
| Syringe | Diameter | LSP01-1BH | Outlet Pressure | 2.5 mL | 4.79 | 5.406uL/hr - 140.6mL/hr | >19.48 MPa | 8 mL | 9.53 | 21.399uL/hr - 556.3mL/hr | >5.05 MPa | 20 mL | 19.13 | 86.226uL/hr - 2241.8mL/hr | >1.25 MPa | 50 mL | 28.6 | 192.727uL/hr - 5010mL/hr | >0.56 MPa | 100 mL | 34.9 | 286.986uL/hr - 7461.6mL/hr | >0.37 MPa |
귀하의 성공적인 연구개발의 동반자가 되겠습니다. |
******************************************************************************************************************* 동방하이테크상사 http://www.allpump.co.kr 서울시 광진구 광장동 102 골든텔2-1201호 T)02-457-6292 F)457-6293 dbht@allpump.co.kr ******************************************************************************************************************* |