주문정보 |
Model 501 |
Model 500 |
Model 500G |
 for Metering or Isocrtic HPLC
 with Programming & Remote Control

includes; 1 of 501 Pump, 1 of 500 Pump
& Accessories | |
Description |
Part Number |
Model 501 Isocratic HPLC Pump, Analytical, 0.001-10 mL/min, 6,000 psi
501-0000 |
Model 501 Isocratic HPLC Pump, Micro, 0.0005-4 mL/min, 6,000 psi
501-0002 |
Model 501 Isocratic HPLC Pump, Semi-Prep, 0.05-20 mL/min, 2,500 psi
501-0020 |
Model 501 Isocratic HPLC Pump, Prep, 0.1-80 mL/min, 1,000 psi
501-0040 |
Model 500 Gradient HPLC Pump System, Analytical, 0.001-10 mL/min,
6,000 psi max.
500G-0000 |
Model 500 Gradient HPLC Pump System, Micro, 0.0005-4
mL/min, 6,000 psi max.
500G-0002 |
Model 500 Gradient HPLC Pump System, Semi-Prep, 0.05-20
mL/min, 2,500 psi max.
500G-0020 |
Model 500 Gradient HPLC Pump System, Prep Head 0.1-80
mL/min, 1,000 psi max.
500G-0040 |
Model 500G high pressure gradient HPLC system includes one Model 501
and one Model 500, and all necessary electrical and plumbing
| |
Model 520 고압 정밀정량펌프 |
Model 530 고온 정밀정량펌프 |


Description |
Part Number |
Model 521 Isocratic HPLC Pump, Analytical, 0.005-10 mL/min, 7,000 psi
521-0000 |
Model 521 Isocratic HPLC Pump, Micro, 0.0005-4 mL/min, 7,000 psi
521-0002 |
Model 521 Isocratic HPLC Pump, Semi-Prep, 0.01-20 mL.min, 3,500 psi
521-0020 |
Model 521 Isocratic HPLC Pump, Prep, 0.01-125 mL/min, 1,500 psi
521-0040 |
Model 521 Hi-Temp. Pump, Analytical, 0.005-10 mL/min, 7,000 psi, 100℃
521-0000HT |
Model 521 Hi-Temp. Pump, Micro, 0.0005-4 mL/min, 7,000 psi, 100℃
521-0002HT |
Model 521 Hi-Temp. Pump, Semi-Prep,, 0.01-20 mL.min, 3,500, 100℃
521-0020HT |
Model 521 Hi-Temp. HPLC Pump, Prep, 0.01-125 mL/min, 1,500 psi, 100℃
521-0040HT |
Model 531 Hi-Temp. Pump, Analytical, 0.005-10 mL/min, 7,000 psi, 200℃
531-0000 |
Model 531 Hi-Temp. Pump, Micro, 0.0005-4 mL/min, 7,000 psi, 200℃
531-0002 |
Model 531 Hi-Temp. Pump, Semi-Prep, 0.01-20 mL.min, 3,500 psi, 200℃
531-0020 |
Alphanumeric keypad programming control of gradient profiles with
step and linear profiles at multiple levels. Store up to 20 linkable files with
up to 20 program steps, and max time/step of 650 minutes in 0.1 steps. Remote
control provided via external contact closure or RS-232. Concentration range
setting: 0-100% in 1.0% steps.
| | |
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되겠습니다. ******************************************************************************************************************* (주)동방하이테크상사 http://www.allpump.co.kr 서울시 성동구 광나루로6길 35 성수이비즈센터 710호 T)02-457-6292 F)457-6293 dbht@allpump.co.kr ******************************************************************************************************************* 정량펌프, 정밀펌프, 고압펌프, 마이크로펌프, OEM 펌프, HPLC 펌프, 피스톤펌프, 주사기펌프, 실린지펌프, 다이어프램펌프, 다이아프램펌프, 튜브펌프, 튜빙펌프, 호스펌프, 연동펌프, 기어펌프, 기아펌프, 플런져펌프, 부란자펌프, 초정밀펌프, 초미세펌프, 초고압펌프, 밸브, 피팅, 튜빙, 아답터, 크로마토그래피 제품, 연구실험기자재 등