특 징 |

Simple to Operate ; Eldex Universal Fraction
Collector(만능 분취장치)는 원하는 시료채취방법(시간, 방울)에 따라 간편하게 사용할 수 있습니다. 설정한 시간이나 방울 수에 대한
정보가 LED 창에 표시되며, 그 수치에 도달하면 시료를 채치하는 선반(test tube rack)가 자동으로 다음 위치로 회전합니다.

Reliable Optical Positioning ;
시료채취선반은 각각의 시료채취관 적외선 감지장치에 의해 위치를 찾게되며, 각 선반에 대한
바코드(code bar)
The collection racks are positioned by an infrared light sensing system. As the rack revolves, code bars
interrupt the light beam, halting the drive motor and activating the digital
counting mechanism. When zero is reached, the motor is reactivated and the rack
advances to the next position. The infrared positioning system and the patented
drive mechanism provide reliable service.

Convenience Features
; An output on the rear panel provides
a 30 millisecond, 5 volt pulse for recorder indication of rack position change.
Remote advance capabilities are provided on the rear panel for complete system
integration. |
No Loss of Sample ; To prevent fluid loss between adjacent tubes during
shifting, a highly inert, autoclavable, polypropylene distribution plate is
provided with each rack. If the effluent is incompatible with polypropylene,
the plate may be removed with negligible drop loss since the shift time is
short. Micro collections can be made on a circle of filter paper supported on
any rack. |
The functional design and durable construction of
the Eldex Universal Fraction Collector make it nearly maintenance-free. It has
developed a well-deserved reputation as the workhorse of laboratory fraction

Test Tube
Rack |
Total |
Tube Size |
Fraction Volume |

U-136 |
135 |
13 x 100 mm |
9 mL |
U-160 |
160 |
spot collection |
1 mL |
U-200 |
200 |
16 x 150 mm or |
22 mL or |
18 x 150 mm |
28 mL |
UP-50 |
50 |
25 x 200 mm |
75 mL |
URIA-50 |
50 |
25 x 57 mm |
mL | | | |
귀하의 성공적인 연구개발의 동반자가
되겠습니다. ******************************************************************************************************************* (주)동방하이테크상사 http://www.allpump.co.kr 서울시 성동구 광나루로6길 35 성수이비즈센터 710호 T)02-457-6292 F)457-6293 dbht@allpump.co.kr ******************************************************************************************************************* 정량펌프, 정밀펌프, 고압펌프, 마이크로펌프, OEM 펌프, HPLC 펌프, 피스톤펌프, 주사기펌프, 실린지펌프, 다이어프램펌프, 다이아프램펌프, 튜브펌프, 튜빙펌프, 호스펌프, 연동펌프, 기어펌프, 기아펌프, 플런져펌프, 부란자펌프, 초정밀펌프, 초미세펌프, 초고압펌프, 밸브, 피팅, 튜빙, 아답터, 크로마토그래피 제품, 연구실험기자재 등